Name: Anh Vu
My first encounter with architecture was through the elegant changes in our home by the skillful touches of a local architect. Under his direction, the construction workers executed the work, line after line, cut after cut, slowly but surely, the Vision became a reality. The end of his work was the beginning of my journey. I spent hours reading his drawings and comparing each “pocket images” (interior elevations) to each wall in the house. With a tape measure, I verified the correlations between the drawings and the building. And so, my love for architecture began.
In 2002, I participated at the Van Lang Architecture School through rigorous exams in mathematic, physic and drawing. My education was barely half way complete when I was re-routed on an unexpected trip which I am still grateful for: My family gained entrance to the United States. Here I restarted my training at Laney while working for a local construction firm, the “Three Buddha”. This combination of academic and daily practical training has given me the foundation needed to finish my B.Arch at California College of the Arts with the AIA Henry Adams Medal and Certificate of Merit in May 2016.
2016: EDG Design | Technical Architecture Designer
2012-2016: B.Arch at California College of the Art
2008-2014 : Three buddhas | Architecture Designer | Project manager | Fabricator
Phone: 1 510 499 7996
Awards |Honors:
May 2016: AIA Henry Adams Medal and Certificate of Merit.
Fifth Year Design Studio Nomination – CCA
Fifth Year Design Media Nomination – CCA
Fifth Year Design Technical Nomination – CCA
May 2015: B.Arch Design Media Award of the Year – CCA
Fourth Year Design Studio Award Nomination – CCA – San Francisco | The Future City
May 2014: All College Honors Undergraduate Scholarship – CCA
Dec 2013: Jury Nomination – CCA – Common Ground |The Future Platform for NYC
May 2013: Jury Nomination – CCA- Intertwining | Water Scape
Sept 2013: Jury Prize Honorable Mention – CCA – Intertwining
May 2013: Second Year Design Studio -CCA – Book Award